Not Another Diet Blog


domingo, 29 de mayo de 2016

Can Motivational Hypnosis Make You Skinny?

David Meine sure believes so, which is the premise behind is new book, Think: Use Your Mind to Shrink Your Waistline.

10 Not So Helpful Healthy Diet Tips

This video is probably the direct opposite of anything we should be doing to eat healthy!

Skipping Breakfast Could Literally Kill You

Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health found that men who skip breakfast have a 27% greater risk of having a heart attack.

Do You Have the Obesity Gene?

British researchers discovered that people with an FTO gene variation are 70% more likely to become obese.

Burn 200 Calories in Some Bizarre Ways

Are you bored with your current exercise plan? Here are some bizarre ways you can burn 200 calories.

Are Girly Thoughts Sabotaging Your Success?

Dr. Patricia O’Gorman seeks to help women overcome their "girly thoughts" by giving women 7 steps to personal power.

What Real Barbie Would Look Like

Here's what a normal 19 year old American woman would really look like as a Barbie Doll.
ultra-processed foods

Ultra-Processed Foods are the True Killers

Processed foods with 1 to 3 ingredients aren't likely to cause harm, it's the products with 10 to 20+ that should cause alarm.

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